Starving yet?
This use case is definitely relatable to anyone. At least, all the students I asked told me so.
The goal of an app is to fill a need, most of the time. The need here was pretty obvious. Oh the countless time I was on the way home and had absolutely no idea of what to eat for tonight. Needless to say, as a student, my design skills are higher than my cooking ones.
So, during a Design Sprint exercice at school, I teamed up with 4 friends and we started iterating over the numerous little everyday nerve-racking things which could be fixed.
This is how we came up with the idea of a recipe app, which suggests you *simple* random recipes.

Ready? Set!
Go! Using the Google Design Sprint method, we iterated over main and optional features. The goal is to keep the app as simple as can be.
The main feature is of course the random recipes suggestions. It's based off of a common gesture: shake. Just shake your phone — gently, eh 👋🏼 — and a few cards show up with recommended recipes tailored for you.
Tailored? Right, thanks to your own profile, you can specify a few things such as your allergies, your diet – vegan, etc. – and favourite recipes.
Recipes that don't fit your profile settings will be automatically omitted, or some suggestions for ingredient replacement will be available.

Users who tested our prototypes and early builds where amazingly surprised.
The app is not actively developed for the moment. I keep it as one of my Tobias Van Schneider-inspired stupid side projects 👊🏼.